The Question That Uncovered
Where We Lose Our Money.

It took a CRAZY newsletter survey for me to finally figure this out.

I’ve been a body-based money relationship coach since 2012. One of the first in the country. You could say I’m a front-runner inventing this field of work. I’ve dedicated my life to figuring out the details of how we internally respond to money experiences so that I can help you heal your inner-money self to create your better financial success.

And during this entire time I’ve had my nose pressed right up against the glass to locate solutions because solutions give us results. And we want results, right? Right. 

But lately, I’ve been sensing a gap in the information. Like a functional gap and I had the feeling that something was staring me in the face that I just couldn’t see.

Plus, I was losing individuals in the middle of engaging the Somatic Money process and I couldn’t understand what was happening. I mean, I know the work works. And I want people to be successful with their money! 

So I asked my audience a single, to-the-point question about lack of engagement levels with Somatic Money while providing valuable interactive prizes as incentive to answer. Evidently, I hit a vulnerable money nerve because I had more people than usual responding and a lot of people upset and unsubscribing. It was a CRAZY polarized response!

I hit a nerve. A vulnerable money nerve.
But it showed me something vital.

And then I began sifting through the responses and they landed in these categories below. People told me things like: 

  • I’m too busy to do Somatic Money. I’m running around in circles. 
  • I have too much drama in my life to get to your work.
  • This isn’t important because your work is too text heavy. Too much information.
  • Money is booby-trapped for me, including Somatic Money. It never works.
  • What? You’re doing Somatic Money here? Sounds interesting. Tell me more.
  • I’m too overwhelmed to figure it out.

Do any of these sound like you when it comes to doing money stuff that you know is good for you, but you can’t get yourself to do it?
If so, I’m not going to shame or blame you in the classic Toxic Financial Patriarchal sense to get you to “toughen up and get through your money stuff.” No, that’s an old tape that doesn’t help anyone.

Instead, I want you to know that these answers are classic exhibits of Money Blocks that provide self-protection, covering for your deeper financial vulnerabilities. But these Money Blocks can also, quite literally, keep you from cash. This is one of the places you leave money on the table.

Here’s how. Read on . . .

Qualify to receive a FREE 40-minute
Somatic Money Zoom visit with Dana – 

to visit about how your Money Blocks & Financial Vulnerability
might be keeping you from visible money results in your life!
If you don’t qualify, you’ll still receive 1-to-3 written insights
to your money question and supportive digital resources.
Everyone wins. 💖

The Truth About Financial Vulnerability
Money Blocks & Leaving Money
On the Table.

What my psychic sense empathically told me about this disconnect.

As I read through what people told me about their lack of ability to get to their Somatic Money practices, I also began to feel and psychically echo-hear what they were saying between their words:

The vulnerable echo-chamber from “I can’t do Somatic Money, Dana” was also a cover for “I hurt” and “I’m scared” and “I don’t know” and “I’m overwhelmed” and “I have to protect myself.”

Is this something that happens for you with money? Do you use a cover (Money Block) to protect your inner-most financial vulnerabilities? Maybe you don’t even know you’re doing this! And in the process, you’re leaving money on the table.

What my financial psychic sense empathically showed me
about how our self-protective Money Blocks become cash drainers.

When this echo-messaging between the words happened, it broke my heart because I can understand this kind of obscenely buried non-verbal financial pain and sometimes terror we all hide at certain times of our lives. I get it. I’d still be there if Spirit World hadn’t plucked me out and run me through my first Spiritual Financial Intervention (linked).

That’s when it became painfully obvious to me that sometimes financial vulnerability is so unacknowledged and so complex and buried so deep for so long with little to no tools or support that for some people it seems impossible to even try to make changes, breakthrough.

So you build a shield. A financial vulnerability body shield — a Money Block — that protects, but it ultimately gets in the way of financial functionality.

This lack of financial functionality, created by a Money Block is where money gets left on the table. Or money gets lost. Or debt accrues. Or finances go unsolved. Or glass ceilings go untouched. Because your inner psyche is busy creating an outer shield to protect your inner financial vulnerabilities.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Do you want to find out how you can personally create greater inner financial resilience, heal, reduce Money Blocks and put money in your pocket? Read on . . . 

Qualify to receive a FREE 40-minute
Somatic Money Zoom visit with Dana – 

to visit about how your Money Blocks & Financial Vulnerability
might be keeping you from visible money results in your life!
If you don’t qualify, you’ll still receive 1-to-3 written insights
to your money question and supportive digital resources.
Everyone wins. 💖

How Somatic Money Answers
To Financial Vulnerability &
Puts Money In Your Wallet.

The Money Math About Financial Vulnerability.

I hope, by now, you’re considering your inner inventory with financial vulnerability and Money Blocks wondering “What changes can I make to create resilient support for my inner vulnerability, mitigating my Money Blocks so that I don’t leave money on the table?”

That’s a great question and I have a few answers. First, lets get clear about the money math of financial vulnerability: 

What this means in plain English is that all of your financial efforts (work, income, paying bills, investing and more), are affected by your ability to resiliently navigate your inner financial vulnerability & Money Blocks, so that you can work with your financial structure and flow to create your ultimate financial results.

Somatic Money As A Financial Resilience-Building Practice &
A Financial Healing Tool To Put Money In Your Pocket.

I hope you’re recognizing that money isn’t only about the green stuff and the numbers in your bookkeeping and bank accounts. I hope you’re realizing that the energy of how you feel in your body with your money can cause enough disturbance in your money life to truly shift the numbers in your accounts! In both good or challenging directions. 

Which means that being present with your inner financial vulnerability
and your responding Money Blocks is one of the most powerful answers
to creating your inner financial resilience, healing AND
claiming that money on the table! 

If you are leaning in thinking, “OMG yes! This is the missing piece for me!” Or “OMG, she’s onto something! I can feel it!” Or “Hmm. Something is up here that I need to check out!” — Then I would LOVE to hear from you.

Make sure you sign up below AND
dive into the Money Shows Up When You Show Up FREE resource (Linked).
We have some things to talk about to help fill in the blanks for you
and get you on a better money track.



Let’s Visit About How
Your Money Blocks & Financial Vulnerability
Might Be Stopping Your Cash Flow. 

When you qualify, you’ll receive 1-to-3 FREE insights from me
during your Zoom visit, paired with suggested resources
providing avenues to heal your Money Blocks
and improve cash flow. 

If you don’t qualify, I’ll still text you
personal insider-insights pertaining to your 
money journey for your financial success
including a FREE resource.

Everyone wins. I want you to succeed.

I understand that you being here and sharing about the interior of your money relationship might be uncomfortable, daunting or even scary. And I’m honored that you’re even considering participating! Thank you!

When you fill out this form, please know, there are no wrong answers. There is only where you are in your own process of your own Somatic Money journey. I will meet you where you are to provide you with your next best steps, supporting your inner/outer financial connections to create better financial experiences in your life. 

I look forward to hearing from you!

    Your First and Last Name:

    Primary Email Address:

    Best Phone #:


    Location – City/State or Region:

    What do you feel are your money blocks? This is your body’s active way of protecting your deeper financial vulnerabilities with an outer shield that blocks your financial capabilities:

    What’s the money issue you’d like to solve in your life right now? Or what’s the money goal/project you’re working on?:

    When it comes to logistical or IQ Money, are you working with budgets, any specific financial strategies, any form of logistical money habit to manage your money? If so, please briefly describe.

    When it comes to EQ Money, are you working with any soft-sided money practices like tracking your emotion with money, doing intentional manifestations, abundance practices, healing work? If so, please briefly describe.

    Are you working with any body-based money relationship practices, especially as outlined in “Are You Present in Your Body with Your Money?” If so, please briefly describe.

    Anything specific you’d like me to know?

    Here’s What Some of My Clients Have to Say:

    “I am so incredibly grateful for every ounce of insight and coaching that Dana provides. She helped me shed heavy emotional guilt about money and I’ve been able to attract some of the largest and best deals I’ve attained in my life!”

    – Jamee,
    Real Estate Developer,
    Roaring Fork, Colorado

    Dana has blown me away from day one. Her remarkable strength in spotting my roadblocks and limiting beliefs with my vulnerable money issues have shown me the best ways to grow and move forward into a more bountiful relationship with money and even myself. The information she has developed is unlike anything I’ve heard. It’s truly life-changing. I couldn’t have done this alone. Working with Dana is invaluable! 

    – Scott,
    Senior Flight Attendant,
    Washington State

    You empowered me when I was experiencing such a need, both personal and financial, and helped me to see with clarity and strength my path forward. For that help I will always be grateful. I believe your Spirit Guides and mine happily conspired for the the very best outcome, and boy did they deliver! A less spiritual approach to my difficulties would not have appealed to me, nor sufficed. You showed up exactly when I needed you, and even though my my mind was skeptical, my heart spoke otherwise, and my feet were literally “stuck to the ground” through your presentation.

    – Karen,
    Restaurant Owner,
    Durango, Colorado

    Meet Dana

    Dana Stovern, founder and coach of The Magic of Somatic Money, brings revolutionary body-based money relationship work to life by encouraging her clients and audiences to explore authentic money relationships with unique tools for deeper personal value. Somatic Money is Stovern’s necessity of invention birthed from tragic loss, triggering her need for better life answers — for herself and others. She now successfully coaches professionals and business owners from across the country with innovative Somatic Money practices, concepts and tools.

    Also, Stovern is one of the first and founding coaches of embodied money relationship in the United States, pioneering Somatic Money practices. She draws upon sixteen years of coaching experience from thousands of session hours with clients to deliver this information here for you you today.

    She’s made it her life’s mission to bring clients what’s been missing in their money relationship — identifying the invisible forces of soft-sided money relationship for financial clarity, health and wholeness. Now, she’s beginning to publish everything she’s learned about Somatic Money and scale it for a global audience. Be sure to join!

    FTC Disclosure: Any income claims shared by my students, friends or clients are understood to be true and accurate, but are not verified in any way. Always do your own due diligence and use your own judgment when making buying decisions and investments in your business and personal life. Disclaimer: Concepts and strategies shared in this and any email communication from Dana Stovern Coaching are ideas that have worked for members of our team, students, clients and friends. They are not specific advice for your business. Always use your own judgement and/or get the advice of professionals to find the right strategies for your business and your particular situations. Dana Stovern is not a financial advisor, financial planner or certified accountant and does not give financial advice. Instead, this work is for receiving greater experience and knowledge and transformation concerning the inner workings of your relationship with your energy field, body, spiritual money relationship and life! How you apply this work is up to you. Specific results are not guaranteed.