Part One: The beginning of Somatic Money. Best viewed in Chrome.

Part Two: The beginning of Somatic Money. Best viewed in Chrome.

And the Powerful Risk
of Embracing Who I Am.

Since day one, The Magic of Somatic Money has been inspirationally healing for some and socially taboo for others. Some people are overjoyed and incredibly grateful to finally locate the missing puzzle pieces to their money relationship that Somatic Money affords. To others, I’m a social pariah and this work is the same — money in spirituality and spirituality in money creates its own special social frictions.

Because of this, I regularly find myself balancing a space that holds delightful celebrations of the intuitive gifts that I experience and deliver to others, while also fielding the shunning, stigma and judgement from those who misunderstand me in their fear and sometimes hate.

Gift and taboo. Push-pull. That is the space I walk. Daily.

So. Yes, I’m a modern-day witch applying my psychic-mediumship abilities and empath-channeling abilities directly into inter-personal money relationship, creating financial breakthroughs for my clients and my audience. What could be more compelling to help people in their financial recoveries than flipping the traditional money script? Yet, what could be more financially controversial? No doubt, I am not safe dinner conversation at conventional tables. Not as a topic or as a guest.

Over the years, new acquaintances who first get a taste of my true colors sometimes accidentally think out loud saying, “But you look so normal and you seem so nice!” Hah! Yes, the roots of my mid-western manners and mild appearance, paired with my college education and nominal Methodist background are deceiving. That is, until my southwestern psychic edge cuts through with mentions of drummings around campfires on the brink of the wilderness with a little whiskey, and saging soul-homes for energetic clarity, or mediumship visits with deceased loved ones for important messages. 

But none of this push-pull has ever stopped me since the domino-affect of a prolific psychic awakening (because these gifts are biological) that descended through my body as I watched, on television, the Twin Towers fall in New York on 9/11. That day changed our lives forever, and for me, utterly so. How could two buildings collapsing thousands of miles away from me ignite dormant DNA into activity in my body? I do not know, but it did. 

Since those ripe autumn days of 2001, when we all turned in the grief and turmoil of our tragedy, I began to locate the parts of my soul that had been amputated since childhood. While my life completely illuminated itself to me and I became whole, I simultaneously lost my ability to walk in the world as “normal,” if that’s even a thing. 

I learned in those early days of my awakening how to hide myself in plain sight. Imagine that? The joys of finally locating your core self that you’ve blindly ached to hold for so long, only to find out that you’re no longer culturally acceptable. My continued experiences give me deep empathy for the LGBTQ community and for those with diverse skin tones.

It was this rude parabolic awakening of coming out of the psychic closet that set my new course: I was simultaneously cast into the glorious light and into the  swirling shadows. When I shared with friends and family about who I really am for the first time, I watched and felt the first waves of people lean in and lean out with reactions. My mother hissed at me over the phone, “People like us don’t do things like that!” insinuating that this was all a circus act. And she hung up the phone with the echoes of a 1950’s Indiana ricocheting around my room. Our relationship was never the same after that.

This push-pull pattern of the social reveal of who I really am hasn’t changed over the twenty-plus years that I’ve embraced my gift through my initial awakening into my intuitive life coaching practice and then into body-based money relationship coaching. What has changed is how I’ve responded to it. 

At first, I went valiantly, carving out my new life and then carving out my first new business in 2006 as a spiritual-intuitive coach in the Durango, Colorado spiritual business community. I settled in to this new social tone where I thought I’d be doing this work for the rest of my life . . . 

Until it all shattered with the death of my son during pregnancy and my own near loss of life in 2010. 

The horrible fruits of that devastating loss was my eventual spiritual financial intervention and the seeds of embodied money. (See videos). This was the heart breaking turning point in my personal and professional life requiring me to uncannily pair obvious, yet culturally taboo elements: the IQ Money of the mind, with the EQ Money of intelligent body talk, along with the ephemeral conversations of the intuitive spirit or soul. The connections are all quite obvious, if you can get through the thick haze and hazing of cultural blocks and shaming. 

Which is the breakthrough brilliance of The Magic of Somatic Money — and the bane. This is where I began carving out footing in a triple cultural blind spot that holds treasures for those willing to open their eyes, hearts and souls.

And this is where I hung in limbo for years, trying to make sense and make peace between the brilliance and bane, working out the balance sheet of my identity. How much could I safely reveal of myself? The friction of the money topic in the spiritual community (Money is “evil” don’t you know?!) and the friction of the spiritual topic in the financial and business community (Spirituality here? Snort! Hah! Go away! That’s “woo!”). 

And the reverberating trauma this personally cost me in the wake of the loss of my son? The painful reality is that at a time when I needed the most support was the same time I was holding the breakthrough hot-potato of The Magic of Somatic Money in two communities that should have been my home but neither fully were.

In this process, I tabled my full identity in my business. I went into hiding to save myself in the storm. Especially when business coaches regularly encouraged me to gaslight myself. They said, “Dana, if you reveal who you truly are — flying your psychic freak flag — you might scare people away.” Never mind that the powerful gems in Somatic Money tended to be guided, channeled and sometimes even directly delivered from Spirit World, my Spirit Team.

And so, this advice, to hide myself while performing my business, though given with earnest well-meaning, was also incredibly damaging. In practice, highlighting my work while gaslighting myself was sublimely self violent, sending messages to my inner world that to survive in business I had to hide my value about who I really am while providing services.

Even as I write this, I don’t know how I lived through the years of holding the life-changing gem of Somatic Money while losing precious community footing and recovering from the trauma of my son’s death as well as toxic family history. I am ever-so-grateful for the niche venues where I could hold space at a booth. And the progressive speaking events who hosted me. And the progressive souls who partnered with me in network marketing. 

I feel super lucky for the clients and audience members who came along and believed and proved me right with the results of the work, even on the days when I doubted! It was through this one-foot-in-front-of-another process, a string of pearls of events and people, that helped me stay alive with this platform in the middle of the storm of social friction and trauma recovery.

That’s the fire where The Magic of Somatic Money was forged. This is not a platform built on guesses or wishes or flight-of-fancy concepts. No. The information and models I put forth here have been worked, tested and shaped by the real life circumstances of myself and my clients in the heat of living. Frankly, the gems of tools that came through this work kept me and so many of my clients afloat and even thriving during rough waters.

This is what makes this work incredible, because even through such challenges, Somatic Money repeatedly proved itself hundreds of times over. What is amazing is that we made believers out of one another in a naturally unfolding process. And I am in tearful awe that this happened year after year after year in an ever-growing way.

And all along, I knew, and I still know, that I’ve been entrusted with a very precious platform, filled with invaluable insights that change and heal souls for the better. It’s in this knowingness and witnessing the results that I continue to hold deep faith that I would not have been given such great life challenges without it being for an even greater purpose.

The fact that I’m still here doing what I’m doing, writing here to you, speaks volumes, not only about my creatively-crazy tenacity, but it speaks volumes about the platform. Here’s the deal. If I was able to reveal the core tenets of body-based money relationship to a seed following and I witnessed hundreds of life-changing financial healings and miracles, then what else could be possible? Nationally? Globally?

And for myself? Through the height of the insanity of this storm, I prevailed. I went from barely making a gut-wrenching $300 a month at the fall-out of my near death when I lost my son, to nearly topping a glass-ceiling breaking through of $80,000 a year for three years running.

I used to tell myself. “Dana, you are a miracle worker on the Colorado Western Slope. You’re operating in near obscurity while delivering financial miracles across the country AND you’re a psychic cracking the top part of a $70K annual income from Colorado’s back country. Damn girlfriend. That’s unheard of! Look at you go!”

And then Covid hit and it all fell apart. Again. 

And I disappeared underneath waves of burnout and flu, allowing myself to naturally resign in our national wave of great resignation. I could no longer hold up the poles on the tent while sacrificing myself, and especially sacrificing my true identity in the process. It turns out that this is not a sustainable business model, no matter how much my business coaches told me I might scare people with my true identity.

That’s when it all came home to roost: If I hid myself for the sake of my business, I was also hiding key pieces of the Somatic Money equation that could give me and my clients the greater solutions we all need to solve money issues.

It’s taken me a long time to get here. A long time to fully let go of my old business platform. Let go of a toxic marriage. Let go of my slate of clients. Moving across the country to the Pacific Northwest. And through all of it. Through the divorce papers and house closings and claiming my dogs and shuffling boxes and saying goodbye to mountain landscapes I’m bonded with but can’t stay in and people I love but can’t hold any longer, I’ve come to one determining factor: I am key. 

I am key. I am key. 

I had to lose nearly everything in my life several times over just to utter those three words and believe them.

It sounds so simple, but what a revelation to finally allow myself to be accounted for in value, in full view, with the Somatic Money equation. So, even though the sway in public reaction to me says otherwise. Even though I sometimes get called “bitch” and “witch” in business circles and I’m easily gaslit-cancel-cultured by business and spiritual leaders alike. Even though some spiritual circles have called me “sell-out!” And even though I don’t have a social movement hashtag to back my witchy body-based money relationship platform. And even though my business coaches said, “Eek! Save the business and hide yourself!” Even though my family has never been able to look me in the eye with who I am and what I do. Even though I am regularly over-looked and under-estimated . . . I know who I am now. And I am key.

Which means that as I relaunch The Magic of Somatic Money for scaleability into the global grassroots psyche for a greater global conversation about the holistic healing merits of body-based money relationship, you can “bet your bippy,” as my grandmother used to say, that I will be showing up as my full, flaming psychic self with my Spirit Team (filled with Angels and Ascended Masters and Divine Light Beings and Star Nation Family) right alongside me, inspiring and educating and empowering as many people as possible to heal their money relationship from the inside out — integrated IQ Money, EQ Money, Spirit Money and all — to move their financial needles in positive directions.

I’m already flipping the script on money six ways to Sunday. And now, it turns out that I’m finally ready to flip the script on myself and fully publicly embrace the powerful risk of being who I am.