Are You Triggered
By Our Financial System?
This Isn’t Your Fault . . . 

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. . . But it is up to you to
consciously respond &
embrace your inner
EQ-Money dynamics
for better $ results!
Let me show you how.

The Toxic Financial Patriarchy Is A Thing.
And It Affects Our EQ-Money Health.

First, I hope you understand that in the current toxic financial patriarchal system, we’re required to work our Masculine Money IQ aspects of personal finance (structure, logical, rationale) without understanding, acknowledging or working with hardly any of our Feminine Money EQ aspects of personal finance (emotional intelligence, authentic presence, intuition). CLICK HERE To Name the Toxic Financial Gaslight in your life.

For clarity, think about it like this. Money relationship is made up of working with the tactile/physical aspects of money logistically while also experiencing the soft-sided/intrinsic and vulnerable aspects of money.

This means that if you’re an EQ-Money person
trying function in an IQ-Money system
your personal money type is hardly supported
or acknowledged in ideology or resources.

CLICK HERE To Define Your EQ-Money Type.

Which means if you’re struggling with your money while only using the logistical money tools most financial pundits insist upon; OR you’re an EQ-Money junkie and you’re allergic to your bookkeeping; Or you’ve dabbled in both IQ and EQ areas of money but your personal finance is not igniting in the way you’d like, then you’ve got some pieces of the proverbial puzzle that are missing.

AND if you’re tired of the hidden toxic, dysfunctional
and/or destructive aspects of your money relationship
getting in the way of your healthier personal finance
 . . . 

Then lucky for you, you’ve found my body-based money relationship system that will give you a way to identify what you personally need to heal and succeed in your money relationship: creating your self-defined financial success!

Let me introduced you to my Somatic Money Blueprint system . .

Identifying Your EQ-Money Emotion
As Real & Powerful. 

This new way of working with EQ-Money begins from the place of acknowledging your body-based money-emotive experience as real. It looks like this. When you work with your money do you focus on “calculating the numbers” and “handling the financial logistics” without even asking “How am I feeling about this?” and “How is my body feeling and responding?”

The truth of the matter is that your seemingly innocuous “feelings” and “energies” that are buried in your body get shoved aside while you wrestle with or scramble to get through the logistics of your numbers. What’s easy to overlook is that “how you feel” in your body with your money is informing your numbers more than you know. Your EQ-Money emotive energy informs your money engine!

Since this is so powerful, what do you do about this?

Work With Your EQ-Money Relationship
In Its Natural Cycle. 

If you understand the importance of what I’ve just shown you, than you can be open to the idea that this Somatic EQ-Money experience is a vast, powerful, detailed, beautiful and very cyclical landscape of our personal money experience that affects the bottom line of our numbers in our bank accounts.

And since this is the case, for you to work with your Feminine Money EQ experiences, to identify, support and heal what needs healing inside your money life, you’re going to need a system or vessel that also works in this fashion. Right?

Well, I Have That for You
In the Form of . . .

The Somatic Money 
Oracle Deck with >>>

Pull Your Cards.
Reference the Blueprints.

107 Cards.
14 Blueprints.
4 Financial Medicine Wheels

Giving you the depth and breadth of the rich Somatic Money landscape for unique personal card combinations, the blueprints for your deep dives, defining your financial healing and empowerment journey!

Instead of having to wade through a program
to locate your financial needles in the haystack . . . 

The idea here is that instead of you having to wade through a program to locate your essential needles in the haystack to get your money to work for you, now you can pick up the Somatic Money Oracle Deck and dial into the exact nature of what you’re financially dealing with EQ-Money-wise, on any given day of the week with any financial situation.

That’s financial healing power in the palm of your hand!

The cards will direct you to the location inside the Somatic Money Blueprints that you need to work with and from there you can work your practices and processes.

This Somatic Money Oracle Deck comes with a 6-page instruction manual showing you the up-spiral of the FOUR Somatic Money Medicine Wheels that you’ll be journeying through.

As you lean into the rhythm of the process, you’ll feel the cyclical system at work for you.

As you work the process, you’ll notice how you move out of the toxic, dysfunctional and destructive nature of your old EQ-Money relationship and into a healthier, clarified, illuminated, stronger, more whole and healed money relationship . . . 

. . . and this will contribute to better financial options, potentials and results showing up for you!

Transformational Capitalism is a term I coined to describe Somatic Money during a 2016 colleague conversation when I realized that what I was doing was something so revolutionary with money relationship that it was taboo. I was and am coaching people how to transform their financial lives from the inside out with this combo: Defining the structure of Money IQ and defining the flow of Money EQ and then integrating them with embodied money relationship practices and our guiding intuitive powers. That’s some pretty edgy stuff sitting in the middle of several financial cultural blindspots. But the crazy thing is, it works, repeatedly and resoundingly, especially for clients who feel bludgeoned by the traditional financial services industry’s insistence that all financial issues are solved logically in the spreadsheets. Not so. Sometimes financial solutions exist between the numbers. And that’s the power, revolution and beauty of naming the financial gaslights that get us stuck and claiming the tools Transformational Capitalism to free and empower us

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FTC Disclosure: Any income claims shared by my students, friends or clients are understood to be true and accurate, but are not verified in any way. Always do your own due diligence and use your own judgment when making buying decisions and investments in your business and personal life. Disclaimer: Concepts and strategies shared in this and any email communication from Dana Stovern Coaching are ideas that have worked for members of our team, students, clients and friends. They are not specific advice for your business. Always use your own judgement and/or get the advice of professionals to find the right strategies for your business and your particular situations. Dana Stovern is not a financial advisor, financial planner or certified accountant and does not give financial advice. Instead, this work is for receiving greater experience and knowledge and transformation concerning the inner workings of your relationship with your energy field, body, spiritual money relationship and life! How you apply this work is up to you. Specific results are not guaranteed.